About the city
Founded in 1554 by the Jesuits, São Paulo, the capital of the largest state in southeastern Brazil, is also the main financial and business center in Latin America. The most populous city in Brazil, the American continent and the entire southern hemisphere of the world, São Paulo is also considered the most influential Brazilian city on the global scene. Furthermore, São Paulo is the birthplace of the country's cultural scene, with strong artistic development in its various expressions – music, theater, visual arts, among others.

There are hundreds of discounts and benefits offered to SPCVB members: hotels, bars, restaurants, leisure spaces, concert halls, theme parks, beauty clinics, language schools, museums, and various services such as car rental, taxis and parking lots spread throughout the capital, coast and countryside of São Paulo. One of the main Brazilian tourist destinations, São Paulo attracts visitors with different purposes: leisure, events and mainly business. Among its natural, architectural and historical attractions are important monuments, parks and museums, such as:
Tourist Attractions

light station
Opened to the public on March 1, 1901, Estação da Luz occupies 7,500 m² of Jardim da Luz, where structures brought from England are located, copying Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.
Latin America Memorial
Inaugurated on March 18, 1989 in Barra Funda, the Memorial da América Latina was created to disseminate Latin American manifestations of creativity and knowledge, always with the aim of interacting cultural, political, economic and social relations.

Sao Paulo Museum of Arts (MASP)
Opened in October 1947 by Assis Chateaubriand, the São Paulo Museum of Art (Masp) is the result of an adventure by two people with a revolutionary vision for their time and supported by a group of friends.
football museum
The cultural capital of Latin America innovates once again and opens the only museum in the world dedicated exclusively to football without having any connection to any specific club.

Ibirapuera Park
Scheduled to be completed on January 25, 1954, on the 400th anniversary of the founding of the city of São Paulo, Ibirapuera Park was only opened on August 21 of the same year.
Liberdade neighborhood
Until the beginning of the last century it was just a neighborhood like all the others surrounding the downtown area, but over the years it became the stronghold of the largest Japanese colony outside Japan.

Paulista Avenue
The famous Paulista Avenue has become the ultimate icon for the people of São Paulo. As one of the most characteristic tourist attractions in the capital, its grandeur sets São Paulo apart from other cities in Brazil and the world.
Speaking of gastronomy, São Paulo reflects its multiculturalism as it has options for all tastes, from the simplest "prato feito" (known as PF) to the most exquisite trends in international cuisine.

Useful information
• Traffic emergency – 194
• Health emergency – 192
• Civil Police – 147
• Military Police – 190
• Fire Department – 193
• Lost and Found (Correios) – www.correios.com.br/servicos/achados_perdidos
• Consumer Protection – 151
• Local subscribers – 102
• International calls – 000333
• Subway – 0800-7707722 www.metro.sp.gov.br
• Municipal buses – 156
• Airports – São Paulo Guarulhos (11) 2445-2945; Congonhas (11) 5090-9000; Campo de Marte (11) 2221-2699
• Airport Bus Service – 0800-2853047 or (11) 3775-3850 www.airportbusservice.com.br
• Bus Terminals: Tietê, Barra Funda and Jabaquara – (11) 3866-1100 www.socicam.com.br
• Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos – 0800-0550121 - www.cptm.sp.gov.br
• Brazilian Association of Car Rental Companies – www.abla.com.br
• ADETAX - Association of Fleet Taxi Companies of the Municipality of São Paulo –
• SINDITAXI - Union of Independent Taxi Drivers of São Paulo - (11) 5573-5200 www.sinditaxisp.org.br To check the addresses of taxi stands, click on "Vai de Táxi"
• São Paulo Tourism – www.spturis.com / www.cidadedesaopaulo.com
• São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau – www.visitesaopaulo.com
• Tour Tips – www.cidadedesaopaulo.com/fiquemaisumdia
• Catraca Livre - www.catracalivre.com.br
• Tickets and admissions –
Ingresso.com – (11) 4003 2330 www.ingresso.com
Ingresso Fácil - (11) 4003 2245 www.ingressofacil.com.br
Ingresso Rápido – (11) 4003-1212 www.ingressorapido.com.br
Tickets For Fun – (11) 4003-5588 premier.ticketsforfun.com.br
Futebol Card - (11) 2344-4210 www.futebolcard.com
• Accessibility – Many public places are adapted for people with special needs. More information:
• Local newspapers and magazines – www.estadao.com.br; www.folha.uol.com.br; www.vejasaopaulo.com.br
Source: Official tourism website of the City of São Paulo
São Paulo Turismo S/A


Tourism Agency